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Treebank Statistics: UD_Classical_Armenian-CAVaL: POS Tags: PRON

There are 27 PRON lemmas (2%), 99 PRON types (4%) and 1475 PRON tokens (11%). Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of PRON is: 6 in number of lemmas, 5 in number of types and 5 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent PRON lemmas: նա, որ, դուք, դու, ես, իւր, զինչ, մեք, ով, ոք

The 10 most frequent PRON types: նա, որ, նորա, ձեզ, նոսա, նմա, քո, նոցա, քեզ, իմ

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: նա (PRON 528, ADV 1), որ (PRON 234, DET 13), իւր (PRON 69, DET 32), ով (PRON 33, INTJ 1), ոք (PRON 28, DET 4), ինչ (PRON 23, ADV 5, NOUN 5, DET 4), ոմն (PRON 19, DET 7), զի (SCONJ 135, PRON 9, ADV 6), ամենայն (DET 77, PRON 7), այս (DET 47, NOUN 10, PRON 2)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: նա (PRON 177, ADV 1), որ (PRON 169, DET 12), քո (PRON 51, DET 2), ինչ (PRON 23, ADV 5, DET 4), ոք (PRON 18, DET 4), իւրեանց (PRON 16, DET 1), ոմն (PRON 10, DET 6), ես (AUX 13, PRON 8), զի (SCONJ 126, PRON 7, ADV 3), ով (PRON 7, INTJ 1)


The form / lemma ratio of PRON is 3.666667 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.960180).

The 1st highest number of forms (13) was observed with the lemma “նա”: նա, նըմայ, նմա, նմայ, նմանէ, նոսա, նովաւ, նորա, նոցա, նոցանէ, նոքա, նոքաւք, նոքին.

The 2nd highest number of forms (10) was observed with the lemma “որ”: որ, որմէ, որո, որոյ, որով, որովք, որոց, որում, որս, որք.

The 3rd highest number of forms (8) was observed with the lemma “իւր”: իւր, իւրեանց, իւրեւ, իւրմէ, իւրոյ, իւրովք, իւրոց, իւրում.

PRON occurs with 6 features: Case (1475; 100% instances), Number (1475; 100% instances), PronType (1474; 100% instances), Person (464; 31% instances), Animacy (143; 10% instances), Reflex (81; 5% instances)

PRON occurs with 23 feature-value pairs: Animacy=Anim, Animacy=Inan, Case=Abl, Case=Acc, Case=Dat, Case=Gen, Case=Ins, Case=Loc, Case=Nom, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, PronType=Dem, PronType=Emp, PronType=Ind, PronType=Int, PronType=Prs, PronType=Rcp, PronType=Rel, PronType=Tot, Reflex=Yes

PRON occurs with 93 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Case=Acc|Number=Sing|PronType=Dem (146 tokens). Examples: նա, նոյն, նոսա, սա, դա, սոսա


PRON nodes are attached to their parents using 20 different relations: nmod (341; 23% instances), nsubj (331; 22% instances), obl (288; 20% instances), obj (225; 15% instances), iobj (199; 13% instances), ccomp (24; 2% instances), conj (13; 1% instances), root (13; 1% instances), csubj (7; 0% instances), acl (6; 0% instances), obl:agent (6; 0% instances), advcl (4; 0% instances), appos (4; 0% instances), nsubj:caus (4; 0% instances), orphan (4; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (2; 0% instances), amod (1; 0% instances), det (1; 0% instances), parataxis (1; 0% instances), vocative (1; 0% instances)

Parents of PRON nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: VERB (981; 67% instances), NOUN (347; 24% instances), ADJ (49; 3% instances), PRON (31; 2% instances), AUX (14; 1% instances), PROPN (14; 1% instances), INTJ (13; 1% instances), (13; 1% instances), ADV (4; 0% instances), ADP (3; 0% instances), DET (3; 0% instances), NUM (3; 0% instances)

808 (55%) PRON nodes are leaves.

560 (38%) PRON nodes have one child.

43 (3%) PRON nodes have two children.

64 (4%) PRON nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a PRON node is 8.

Children of PRON nodes are attached using 24 different relations: case (317; 34% instances), det (213; 23% instances), punct (100; 11% instances), cop (52; 6% instances), acl (48; 5% instances), nsubj (44; 5% instances), conj (30; 3% instances), advmod (24; 3% instances), cc (21; 2% instances), appos (15; 2% instances), obl (13; 1% instances), orphan (12; 1% instances), advcl (10; 1% instances), mark (9; 1% instances), nmod (6; 1% instances), amod (5; 1% instances), csubj (4; 0% instances), discourse (3; 0% instances), nummod (2; 0% instances), vocative (2; 0% instances), aux (1; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), iobj (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Children of PRON nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: ADP (313; 34% instances), DET (221; 24% instances), PUNCT (100; 11% instances), VERB (62; 7% instances), NOUN (59; 6% instances), AUX (55; 6% instances), PRON (31; 3% instances), PART (23; 2% instances), CCONJ (21; 2% instances), ADJ (16; 2% instances), ADV (13; 1% instances), SCONJ (12; 1% instances), PROPN (5; 1% instances), NUM (3; 0% instances)