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Treebank Statistics: UD_Old_East_Slavic-Ruthenian: POS Tags: VERB

There are 1036 VERB lemmas (19%), 3099 VERB types (19%) and 8148 VERB tokens (8%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of VERB is: 3 in number of lemmas, 2 in number of types and 5 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent VERB lemmas: мети, дати, писати, держати, быти, хотети, бити, чинити, учинити, давати

The 10 most frequent VERB types: дали, псан, мають, мают(ь), дал, маеть, казали, держати, послали, далъ

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: быти (AUX 1356, VERB 186, SCONJ 1), потреба (NOUN 27, VERB 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: были (AUX 103, VERB 31), было (AUX 67, VERB 30), брати (VERB 25, NOUN 2), был (AUX 62, VERB 16), быти (AUX 54, VERB 18), бꙋдеть (AUX 42, VERB 12), была (AUX 16, VERB 8), хотѧ (VERB 8, SCONJ 2, PART 1), будет(ь) (AUX 41, VERB 7), будеть (AUX 40, VERB 7)


The form / lemma ratio of VERB is 2.991313 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.909188).

The 1st highest number of forms (47) was observed with the lemma “писати”: П(и)сал, Пишет(ь), Пишу, пис(ал), писал, писали, писалъ, писан, писан(а), писана, писаннꙋю, писано, писаного, писаное, писаному, писаномъ, писаную, писанъ, писаны, писаные, писаныи, писаным, писанымъ, писаных, писаныхъ, писати, пишем, пишемъ, пишемы, пишемь, пишет(е), пишете, пишетъ, пишеть, пишетѣ, пишом, пишю, пишѣм, пишѣт(е), пишѣте, псал, псан, псан(а), псано, псанъ, пішете, пішетѣ.

The 2nd highest number of forms (40) was observed with the lemma “держати”: д(е)ржали, дер[ж]али, держал, держала, держали, держалъ, держано, держаны, держаные, держат, держат(и), держат(ь), держати, держать, держим, держимъ, держит(ь), держите, держить, держитѣ, держу, держыть, держышъ, держѧт(и), держꙋ, деръжали, деръжалъ, деръжати, деръжать, деръжить, деръжыть, дрѣжите, дѣржали, дѣржат(и), дѣржати, дѣржим, дѣржу, дѣржѧт(и), дѣржѧтъ, дѣрзѧти.

The 3rd highest number of forms (40) was observed with the lemma “учинити”: вчинена, вчиненыи, вчинил, вчинили, вчинилъ, вчинимъ, вчинит(ь), вчините, вчинити, вчинитѣ, вчинте, вчиньтѣ, вчынили, вчынити, въчинили, оуч(и)нила, оучилилъ, оучиненыи, оучини, оучинил, оучинил(о), оучинила, оучинили, оучинилъ, оучиним, оучинимъ, оучинит(и), оучинити, оучинить, учинено, учинити, ꙋчинено, ꙋчинили, ꙋчинит(е), ꙋчинѣна, ꙋчинѣны, ꙋчынили, ꙋчынилъ, ꙋчынит(ь), ꙋчынят(ь).

VERB occurs with 13 features: VerbForm (8080; 99% instances), Voice (8080; 99% instances), Tense (6123; 75% instances), Number (5828; 72% instances), Aspect (5705; 70% instances), Gender (2212; 27% instances), Mood (2008; 25% instances), Person (1990; 24% instances), Analyt (1068; 13% instances), Case (648; 8% instances), Variant (475; 6% instances), Polarity (18; 0% instances), Animacy (3; 0% instances)

VERB occurs with 33 feature-value pairs: Analyt=Yes, Animacy=Anim, Aspect=Imp, Aspect=Perf, Case=Acc, Case=Dat, Case=Gen, Case=Ins, Case=Loc, Case=Nom, Gender=Fem, Gender=Masc, Gender=Neut, Mood=Imp, Mood=Ind, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, Polarity=Neg, Tense=Fut, Tense=Past, Tense=Pres, Variant=Short, VerbForm=Conv, VerbForm=Fin, VerbForm=Inf, VerbForm=Part, VerbForm=PartRes, Voice=Act, Voice=Mid, Voice=Pass

VERB occurs with 215 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is VerbForm=Inf|Voice=Act (715 tokens). Examples: держати, сꙋдити, ведати, знати, брати, казнити, мети, быти, чинити, платити


VERB nodes are attached to their parents using 21 different relations: root (2643; 32% instances), conj (2151; 26% instances), advcl (1152; 14% instances), xcomp (854; 10% instances), acl:relcl (389; 5% instances), acl (328; 4% instances), ccomp (266; 3% instances), parataxis (115; 1% instances), csubj (93; 1% instances), dislocated (72; 1% instances), amod (25; 0% instances), iobj (21; 0% instances), obl (7; 0% instances), orphan (7; 0% instances), reparandum (7; 0% instances), nmod (6; 0% instances), obj (5; 0% instances), appos (2; 0% instances), dep (2; 0% instances), fixed (2; 0% instances), nsubj (1; 0% instances)

Parents of VERB nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: VERB (4355; 53% instances), (2643; 32% instances), NOUN (732; 9% instances), ADJ (154; 2% instances), PRON (137; 2% instances), DET (57; 1% instances), ADV (37; 0% instances), PROPN (16; 0% instances), NUM (9; 0% instances), CCONJ (4; 0% instances), AUX (2; 0% instances), ADP (1; 0% instances), PART (1; 0% instances)

187 (2%) VERB nodes are leaves.

580 (7%) VERB nodes have one child.

792 (10%) VERB nodes have two children.

6589 (81%) VERB nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a VERB node is 17.

Children of VERB nodes are attached using 36 different relations: punct (6990; 19% instances), obl (5855; 16% instances), obj (3724; 10% instances), cc (3661; 10% instances), nsubj (3001; 8% instances), advmod (2905; 8% instances), iobj (2413; 7% instances), conj (2309; 6% instances), advcl (1155; 3% instances), aux (1039; 3% instances), mark (1013; 3% instances), xcomp (870; 2% instances), ccomp (319; 1% instances), expl (176; 0% instances), parataxis (166; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (148; 0% instances), aux:pass (103; 0% instances), discourse (88; 0% instances), obl:tmod (81; 0% instances), dislocated (76; 0% instances), vocative (47; 0% instances), csubj (39; 0% instances), acl (28; 0% instances), dep (20; 0% instances), obl:agent (12; 0% instances), reparandum (8; 0% instances), case (5; 0% instances), nummod:gov (5; 0% instances), orphan (4; 0% instances), acl:relcl (3; 0% instances), cop (3; 0% instances), det (3; 0% instances), flat:name (1; 0% instances), list (1; 0% instances), nmod (1; 0% instances), nummod (1; 0% instances)

Children of VERB nodes belong to 17 different parts of speech: NOUN (8844; 24% instances), PUNCT (6990; 19% instances), PRON (4957; 14% instances), VERB (4355; 12% instances), CCONJ (3671; 10% instances), ADV (1848; 5% instances), PART (1198; 3% instances), AUX (1158; 3% instances), PROPN (1065; 3% instances), SCONJ (1016; 3% instances), DET (660; 2% instances), ADJ (386; 1% instances), NUM (109; 0% instances), ADP (6; 0% instances), X (6; 0% instances), SYM (3; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)