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Treebank Statistics: UD_Czech-Poetry: POS Tags: ADJ

There are 382 ADJ lemmas (20%), 511 ADJ types (19%) and 597 ADJ tokens (9%). Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of ADJ is: 3 in number of lemmas, 3 in number of types and 4 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent ADJ lemmas: tichý, bílý, jiný, věčný, těžký, mnohý, věrný, černý, bledý, celý

The 10 most frequent ADJ types: věčné, bílé, celý, plný, bílý, jiné, kamenném, nové, tiché, tmavou

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: hebký (ADJ 1, NOUN 1), marně (ADV 2, ADJ 1), sít (ADJ 1, VERB 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: marně (ADV 2, ADJ 1)


The form / lemma ratio of ADJ is 1.337696 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.400206).

The 1st highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “jiný”: jiné, jiném, jiní, jiný, jiným.

The 2nd highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “tichý”: tichou, tiché, tichém, tichý, tichých.

The 3rd highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “těžký”: těžkou, těžká, těžké, těžkém, těžký.

ADJ occurs with 17 features: Gender (595; 100% instances), Number (595; 100% instances), Polarity (589; 99% instances), Case (548; 92% instances), Degree (512; 86% instances), Animacy (230; 39% instances), VerbForm (102; 17% instances), Voice (101; 17% instances), Aspect (61; 10% instances), Variant (52; 9% instances), Tense (24; 4% instances), Style (13; 2% instances), NumType (6; 1% instances), NameType (3; 1% instances), Gender[psor] (1; 0% instances), Poss (1; 0% instances), Typo (1; 0% instances)

ADJ occurs with 36 feature-value pairs: Animacy=Anim, Animacy=Inan, Aspect=Imp, Aspect=Perf, Case=Acc, Case=Dat, Case=Gen, Case=Ins, Case=Loc, Case=Nom, Case=Voc, Degree=Cmp, Degree=Pos, Degree=Sup, Gender=Fem, Gender=Masc, Gender=Neut, Gender[psor]=Fem, NameType=Giv, NameType=Sur, NumType=Ord, Number=Dual, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Polarity=Neg, Polarity=Pos, Poss=Yes, Style=Expr, Style=Rare, Tense=Past, Tense=Pres, Typo=Yes, Variant=Short, VerbForm=Part, Voice=Act, Voice=Pass

ADJ occurs with 154 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is Animacy=Inan|Case=Nom|Degree=Pos|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Polarity=Pos (44 tokens). Examples: celý, plný, Pozdní, bílý, zardělý, čaroskvělý, Chvějivý, Hořký, Mnohý, Zrádný


ADJ nodes are attached to their parents using 19 different relations: amod (444; 74% instances), conj (49; 8% instances), advcl (24; 4% instances), root (17; 3% instances), xcomp (12; 2% instances), dep (11; 2% instances), parataxis (7; 1% instances), nsubj (5; 1% instances), acl (4; 1% instances), advmod (4; 1% instances), obj (4; 1% instances), obl:arg (4; 1% instances), obl (3; 1% instances), acl:relcl (2; 0% instances), appos (2; 0% instances), nmod (2; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), orphan (1; 0% instances), vocative (1; 0% instances)

Parents of ADJ nodes belong to 8 different parts of speech: NOUN (447; 75% instances), VERB (61; 10% instances), ADJ (49; 8% instances), (17; 3% instances), PROPN (10; 2% instances), DET (7; 1% instances), PRON (4; 1% instances), AUX (2; 0% instances)

415 (70%) ADJ nodes are leaves.

94 (16%) ADJ nodes have one child.

37 (6%) ADJ nodes have two children.

51 (9%) ADJ nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a ADJ node is 7.

Children of ADJ nodes are attached using 30 different relations: punct (100; 27% instances), conj (53; 14% instances), obl (41; 11% instances), advmod (31; 8% instances), obl:arg (20; 5% instances), cop (18; 5% instances), cc (16; 4% instances), nsubj (12; 3% instances), advmod:emph (10; 3% instances), mark (9; 2% instances), nsubj:pass (9; 2% instances), advcl (6; 2% instances), obl:agent (5; 1% instances), parataxis (5; 1% instances), dep (4; 1% instances), expl:pv (4; 1% instances), xcomp (4; 1% instances), appos (3; 1% instances), aux:pass (3; 1% instances), case (3; 1% instances), det (3; 1% instances), nmod (3; 1% instances), aux (2; 1% instances), csubj (2; 1% instances), obj (2; 1% instances), vocative (2; 1% instances), acl:relcl (1; 0% instances), amod (1; 0% instances), discourse (1; 0% instances), orphan (1; 0% instances)

Children of ADJ nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: PUNCT (100; 27% instances), NOUN (87; 23% instances), ADJ (49; 13% instances), ADV (38; 10% instances), AUX (23; 6% instances), PRON (18; 5% instances), CCONJ (17; 5% instances), VERB (16; 4% instances), SCONJ (9; 2% instances), DET (6; 2% instances), PART (4; 1% instances), ADP (3; 1% instances), INTJ (2; 1% instances), PROPN (2; 1% instances)