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Treebank Statistics: UD_Turkish-Kenet: Relations: parataxis

This relation is universal.

3481 nodes (2%) are attached to their parents as parataxis.

3237 instances of parataxis (93%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent). Average distance between parent and child is 5.44383797759265.

The following 31 pairs of parts of speech are connected with parataxis: VERB-VERB (2499; 72% instances), VERB-ADJ (225; 6% instances), VERB-NOUN (218; 6% instances), NOUN-VERB (139; 4% instances), ADJ-VERB (113; 3% instances), NOUN-NOUN (92; 3% instances), ADJ-ADJ (65; 2% instances), ADJ-NOUN (30; 1% instances), NOUN-ADJ (29; 1% instances), VERB-ADV (17; 0% instances), ADV-VERB (9; 0% instances), ADV-NOUN (5; 0% instances), VERB-PRON (5; 0% instances), VERB-PROPN (5; 0% instances), PRON-PRON (4; 0% instances), ADJ-PROPN (3; 0% instances), NOUN-PROPN (3; 0% instances), NUM-NOUN (3; 0% instances), ADJ-AUX (2; 0% instances), NOUN-PRON (2; 0% instances), PRON-ADJ (2; 0% instances), VERB-INTJ (2; 0% instances), ADV-ADV (1; 0% instances), NOUN-ADV (1; 0% instances), NOUN-AUX (1; 0% instances), PRON-VERB (1; 0% instances), VERB-AUX (1; 0% instances), VERB-DET (1; 0% instances), VERB-NUM (1; 0% instances), VERB-X (1; 0% instances), X-VERB (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 6 2 parataxis	color:blue
1	Kızları	kız	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	2	obj	_	_
2	gördün	gör	VERB	_	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=2|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	6	parataxis	_	_
3	,	,	PUNCT	_	_	2	punct	_	_
4	ağzın	ağız	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=2	5	compound	_	_
5	dilin	dil	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=2	6	compound	_	_
6	tutuldu	tut	VERB	_	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Pass	0	root	_	_
7	gayri	gayri	ADV	_	_	6	advmod	_	_
8	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	7	punct	_	_

# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 8	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 8	fgColor:white
# visual-style 8 4 parataxis	color:blue
1	İsli	isli	ADJ	_	_	2	amod	_	_
2	tavan	tava	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=2	4	nsubj	_	_
3	bel	bel	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	4	compound	_	_
4	vermiş	ver	ADJ	_	_	8	parataxis	_	_
5	,	,	PUNCT	_	_	4	punct	_	_
6	duvarları	duvar	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	8	nsubj	_	_
7	içeri	içeri	ADJ	_	_	8	advmod	_	_
8	kamburlaşmıştı	kambur	VERB	_	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Polarity=Pos|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	_
9	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	8	punct	_	_

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 2 parataxis	color:blue
1	Aklını	akıl	NOUN	_	Case=Acc|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person=3|Person[psor]=3	2	obj	_	_
2	yorma	yor	NOUN	_	Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=3	4	parataxis	_	_
3	,	,	PUNCT	_	_	2	punct	_	_
4	bulamazsın	bula	VERB	_	Aspect=Hab|Mood=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=2|Polarity=Neg|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	_
5	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	4	punct	_	_