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Treebank Statistics: UD_Irish-TwittIrish: Relations: goeswith

This relation is universal.

49 nodes (0%) are attached to their parents as goeswith.

49 instances of goeswith (100%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 1.06122448979592.

The following 8 pairs of parts of speech are connected with goeswith: ADJ-X (21; 43% instances), NOUN-X (11; 22% instances), ADP-X (6; 12% instances), PROPN-X (4; 8% instances), PART-X (3; 6% instances), ADV-X (2; 4% instances), DET-X (1; 2% instances), VERB-X (1; 2% instances).

# visual-style 5	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 5	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 5 goeswith	color:blue
1	Rinne	déan	VERB	_	_	0	root	_	Lang=ga
2	tú	tú	PRON	_	_	1	nsubj	_	Lang=ga
3	jab	jab	NOUN	_	_	1	obj	_	Lang=ga
4	ana	maith	ADJ	_	_	3	amod	_	CorrectForm=an-mhaith|Lang=ga
5	mhaith	_	X	_	_	4	goeswith	_	Lang=ga
6	@user191	@user191	PROPN	_	_	1	vocative:mention	_	_
7	ar	ar	ADP	_	_	8	case	_	Lang=ga
8	@user423	@user423	PROPN	_	_	1	obl	_	_
9	inné	inné	ADV	_	_	1	advmod	_	Lang=ga
10	@user288	@user288	PROPN	_	_	8	parataxis:sentence	_	-
11	abú	abú	INTJ	_	_	10	discourse	_	Lang=ga|SpaceAfter=No
12	!	!	PUNCT	_	_	1	punct	_	_

# visual-style 11	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 11	fgColor:white
# visual-style 10	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 10	fgColor:white
# visual-style 10 11 goeswith	color:blue
1	@user286	@user286	PROPN	_	_	2	vocative:mention	_	Lang=ga
2	deacair	deacair	ADJ	_	_	0	root	_	Lang=ga
3	an	an	DET	_	_	4	det	_	Lang=ga
4	locht	locht	NOUN	_	_	6	obj	_	Lang=ga
5	a	a	PART	_	_	6	mark	_	Lang=ga
6	chur	cur	NOUN	_	_	2	xcomp	_	Lang=ga
7	orthu	ar	ADP	_	_	6	obl:prep	_	SpaceAfter=No
8	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	2	punct	_	_
9	Bhí	bí	VERB	_	_	2	parataxis:sentence	_	Lang=ga
10	Ard	teannas	NOUN	_	_	9	nsubj	_	NonCan=Neo|Lang=ga
11	teannas	_	X	_	_	10	goeswith	_	Lang=ga
12	ann	i	ADP	_	_	9	xcomp:pred	_	SpaceAfter=No
13	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	9	punct	_	_

# visual-style 14	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 14	fgColor:white
# visual-style 13	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 13	fgColor:white
# visual-style 13 14 goeswith	color:blue
1	🎵	🎵	SYM	_	_	2	discourse:emo	_	SpaceAfter=No
2	Bímse	bí	VERB	_	_	0	root	_	Lang=ga
3	buan	buan	ADJ	_	_	2	advmod	_	Lang=ga
4	ar	ar	ADP	_	_	5	case	_	Lang=ga
5	buairt	buairt	NOUN	_	_	2	obl	_	Lang=ga
6	gach	gach	DET	_	_	7	det	_	Lang=ga
7	ló	lá	NOUN	_	_	2	obl:tmod	_	Lang=ga|SpaceAfter=No
8	,	,	PUNCT	_	_	10	punct	_	_
9	Ag	ag	ADP	_	_	10	case	_	Lang=ga
10	caoi	caoi	NOUN	_	_	2	xcomp	_	Lang=ga
11	go	go	PART	_	_	12	mark:prt	_	Lang=ga
12	crua	crua	ADJ	_	_	10	advmod	_	Lang=ga
13	des	de	ADP	_	_	10	obj	_	Lang=es
14	pa	_	X	_	_	13	goeswith	_	Lang=es
15	cit	_	X	_	_	13	goeswith	_	Lang=es
16	o	_	X	_	_	13	goeswith	_	Lang=es|SpaceAfter=No
17	🎶	🎶	SYM	_	_	2	discourse:emo	_	_