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Treebank Statistics: UD_Middle_French-PROFITEROLE: Relations: advmod

This relation is universal.

668 nodes (6%) are attached to their parents as advmod.

526 instances of advmod (79%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent). Average distance between parent and child is 2.4625748502994.

The following 13 pairs of parts of speech are connected with advmod: VERB-ADV (486; 73% instances), ADJ-ADV (73; 11% instances), NOUN-ADV (52; 8% instances), ADV-ADV (32; 5% instances), PRON-ADV (8; 1% instances), AUX-ADV (4; 1% instances), PROPN-ADV (3; 0% instances), VERB-CCONJ (3; 0% instances), DET-ADV (2; 0% instances), VERB-ADJ (2; 0% instances), ADP-ADV (1; 0% instances), NOUN-DET (1; 0% instances), PRON-ADJ (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 1	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 1	fgColor:white
# visual-style 11	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 11	fgColor:white
# visual-style 11 1 advmod	color:blue
1	Toutesfoys	toutefois	ADV	ADVgen	_	11	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_01515
2	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	11	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_01516
3	si	si3	SCONJ	CONsub	_	6	mark	_	XmlId=w_32_01517
4	tu	tu	PRON	PROper	PronType=Prs	6	nsubj	_	XmlId=w_32_01518
5	en	en2	ADV	PROadv	_	9	nmod	_	XmlId=w_32_01519
6	as	avoir1	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	11	advcl	_	XmlId=w_32_01520
7	si	si4	ADV	ADVgen	_	8	advmod	_	XmlId=w_32_01521
8	grand	grand	ADJ	ADJqua	_	9	amod	_	XmlId=w_32_01522
9	envie	envie	NOUN	NOMcom	_	6	obj	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_01523
10	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	11	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_01524
11	penses	penser	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	XmlId=w_32_01525
12	y	y2	ADV	PROadv	_	11	obl	_	XmlId=w_32_01526
13	aujourduy	aujourd'hui	ADV	ADVgen	_	11	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_01527
14	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	11	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_01528

# visual-style 7	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 7	fgColor:white
# visual-style 8	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 8	fgColor:white
# visual-style 8 7 advmod	color:blue
1	Toutesfoys	toutefois	ADV	ADVgen	_	11	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_01515
2	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	11	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_01516
3	si	si3	SCONJ	CONsub	_	6	mark	_	XmlId=w_32_01517
4	tu	tu	PRON	PROper	PronType=Prs	6	nsubj	_	XmlId=w_32_01518
5	en	en2	ADV	PROadv	_	9	nmod	_	XmlId=w_32_01519
6	as	avoir1	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	11	advcl	_	XmlId=w_32_01520
7	si	si4	ADV	ADVgen	_	8	advmod	_	XmlId=w_32_01521
8	grand	grand	ADJ	ADJqua	_	9	amod	_	XmlId=w_32_01522
9	envie	envie	NOUN	NOMcom	_	6	obj	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_01523
10	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	11	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_01524
11	penses	penser	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	XmlId=w_32_01525
12	y	y2	ADV	PROadv	_	11	obl	_	XmlId=w_32_01526
13	aujourduy	aujourd'hui	ADV	ADVgen	_	11	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_01527
14	,	,	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	11	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_01528

# visual-style 7	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 7	fgColor:white
# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 2 7 advmod	color:blue
1	Des	de.le	ADP	PRE.DETdef	_	2	case:det	_	XmlId=w_32_03027
2	jeunes	jeune1	NOUN	NOMcom	_	4	obl	_	XmlId=w_32_03028
3	y	y2	ADV	PROadv	_	4	obl:advmod	_	XmlId=w_32_03029
4	avoit	avoir1	VERB	VERcjg	VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	XmlId=w_32_03030
5	-	-	PUNCT	PONfbl	_	4	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_03031
6	il	il	PRON	PROimp	PronType=Prs	4	expl	_	XmlId=w_32_03032
7	assez	assez	ADV	ADVgen	_	2	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|XmlId=w_32_03033
8	.	.	PUNCT	PONfrt	_	4	punct	_	XmlId=w_32_03034