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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Treebank Statistics: UD_Akuntsu-TuDeT: Relations: dep

This relation is universal.

10 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as dep.

6 instances of dep (60%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 1.1.

The following 4 pairs of parts of speech are connected with dep: VERB-VERB (6; 60% instances), VERB-NOUN (2; 20% instances), NOUN-NOUN (1; 10% instances), VERB-PART (1; 10% instances).

# visual-style 3	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3	fgColor:white
# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 2 3 dep	color:blue
1	teti	ti	NOUN	n	Person=3|Reflex=Yes	2	nsubj	_	_
2	pururu	pururu	VERB	ideo	_	0	root	_	_
3	aj	aj	VERB	vi	_	2	dep	_	_
4	ɨmɨmere	ɨmɨmere	NOUN	n	_	2	obl	_	_
5	etʃe	etʃe	ADP	posp	_	4	case	_	_

# visual-style 21	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 21	fgColor:white
# visual-style 22	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 22	fgColor:white
# visual-style 22 21 dep	color:blue
1	Txiramanty	Txiramanty	PROPN	n	_	2	nsubj	_	_
2	ibãn	ban	VERB	vt	_	0	root	_	_
3	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	2	punct	_	_
4	ibarã	ban	VERB	n	Person=3|Tv=Yes	2	parataxis	_	_
5	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	4	punct	_	_
6	teten	ten	NOUN	n	Person[psor]=3|Reflex=Yes	4	parataxis	_	_
7	Txiramanty	Txiramanty	NOUN	n	_	8	nsubj	_	_
8	ibarãka	ban	VERB	n	Person=3|Trans=Yes|Tv=Yes	4	parataxis	_	_
9	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	8	punct	_	_
10	Toto	Toto	NOUN	n	_	11	nsubj	_	_
11	ikiramkwatekwa	kiram	VERB	vt	Aspect=Iter|Person=3|Trans=Yes	8	parataxis	_	_
12	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	11	punct	_	_
13	weren	weren	VERB	n	_	11	parataxis	_	_
14	ato	ato	NOUN	n	_	13	nsubj	_	_
15	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	13	punct	_	_
16	awawaʧo	awawaʧo	NOUN	n	_	18	parataxis	_	_
17	awawaʧo	awawaʧo	NOUN	n	_	18	dep	_	_
18	pen	pen	VERB	v	_	13	parataxis	_	_
19	baj	baj	VERB	v	_	18	parataxis	_	_
20	,	,	PUNCT	punct	_	19	punct	_	_
21	awawaʧo	awawaʧo	NOUN	n	_	22	dep	_	_
22	pen	pen	VERB	v	_	19	parataxis	_	_
23	baj	baj	VERB	v	_	22	parataxis	_	_
24	.	.	PUNCT	punct	_	23	punct	_	_

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 1	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 1	fgColor:white
# visual-style 1 2 dep	color:blue
1	oko	ko	NOUN	n	Person=1	4	nmod	_	_
2	oko	ko	NOUN	n	Person=1	1	dep	_	_
3	te	te	PART	pclfoc	_	1	discourse	_	_
4	iw	iw	NOUN	n	_	0	root	_	_