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This page pertains to UD version 2.

UD release checklist for the task force

This checklist describes the steps needed in order to release a new version of the UD data. It is meant for the maintenance task force rather than individual treebank teams. See here for the checklist for data contributors.

Determining which treebanks will be released

Processing the data before releasing them

Updating automatically generated parts of documentation

Releasing the data

# Copy metadata to biblio.

# Check that Treex knows all new language codes (the script will say what to do if not).
# Then copy the new release from Dan's workspace to /net/data/universal-dependencies-2.xx.
$HAMLEDT/release_ud_ufal.pl --release 2.14

# Import the data to PML-TQ.
perl ./populate_ud.pl 2.14
cd normalize ; make qpmltq
# Follow instructions in ud-to-pmltq manual ($HAMLEDT/pmltq/navod_na_export_ud_do_pmltq.odt).